The road not taken

Imagine freedom - the kind of soul peace your whole body relaxes into, suddenly comfortable with itself and it's shape. It's like the laugh of an old friend as you talk on into the night: you fall under it's spell and it whispers in your ear sweet things..."you are free!"...."it is forgotten!"..."He loved you - yes, YOU - so much that He created you, He delivered you from evil and death, He died for you!"

Imagine what that freedom would look like, even if it was only going to last an hour or two. You wouldn't fret about the non-organic groceries in your cart. You might splurge on something fun for yourself. You might lavish love and generous gifts on a person you would normally try to avoid making eye contact with. 

I read a line in  Dr. BrenĂ© Brown's book, Daring Greatly: 
Vulnerability is at the core of all emotions and feelings. To feel is to be vulnerable. To believe vulnerability is weakness is to believe that feeling is weakness. To foreclose on our emotional life out of fear that the costs will be too high is to walk away from the very thing that gives purpose and meaning to living. When I look at narcissism through the vulnerability lens, I see the shame-based fear of being ordinary. I see the fear of never feeling extraordinary enough to be noticed, to be lovable, to belong, or to cultivate a sense of purpose.
You reach moments along the path - moments during which you make a choice between multiple options all shackled with potential problems of their own. These vastly divergent lives -- which do you choose?? My choice these days seems to be between selfish indifference or selfless times of tending to relationships.

Yellow leaf fall 
Like helicopter blades 

Come on, you words 
Come and take your places 
Everything changes, everything changes 

After the sun, the wind will come. 
And the wind will come! 
When worries gone, the wind will come. 
And the wind will come! 

Come on, you heart 
You restless child 
Open up your hands 
And wait here awhile 

Yellow leaf fall 
Sound under my feet 
Fill my sleep, fill my sleep 

When all is done, the night will come. 
Come meet me there, and the night will come!  

If I am the dreamer, then Thou art the Dream 
If I am the pebble, then Thou art the Stream 
If I am the sapling, then Thou art the Seed
Thou art the Laughter, Thou art the Dream!
~Helicopter, Branches~

Five Minute Friday
Writing on "Imagine"

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