Beauty in Odd Places

"One aspect of the battlefields of World War II was the profusion of .50-caliber empties. In any place where the going was heavy, the terrain was asparkle with brightly gleaming cartridge cases. You could also see this extravagance from the air. I was particularly impressed by it at Guam when, just as the landing craft started in, the F6s went for the beach, and up there against that beautiful blue sky each airplane was suddenly accompanied by a shower of gold as it commenced strafing. This is one of those rare things in war that is not sufficiently enjoyed." ~ Jeff Cooper, Thoughts From the Gunner's Guru, Guns & Ammo, v. 49 no. 2

Imagine this soldier, coming to land under heavy fire on some foreign beach where hundreds of thousands of his comrades had already perished, looking up to admire the sky and notice the gleam of sunlight on the gold shell casings falling from far above! Whenever life seems difficult, I am always reminded, in some little way, that my situation is pleasant in comparison to so many others. I have not been at war. I have not lost a child, or even a parent yet. I eat well every day. I admire beautiful landscapes all around my home, cool my home in summer and heat it in winter without batting an eye. I never wonder what I will feed my children, or how I will dress them, or if I will be able to educate them. I don't even have to worry about going back to work outside the home myself. This vignette from one of our veterans amazed me. I cannot imagine finding beauty in the wasteland of war, ever thinking anything I observed there was "not sufficiently enjoyed". How insightful of this man, young at the time he observed this beauty, to notice the dichotomy of death and life, beauty and ugliness, good and evil, and especially to see how closely the two co-exist. The shell casings were harbingers of death for one group of men, and a shower of safety to another.

My cancer is a harbinger of my eventual death, but it is also a reminder of my eternal destiny. I am thankful to find beauty in odd places; I am thankful to be reminded that my "days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more." (Psalm 103:15-16) Yet...

“I know Whom I have believed,

And am persuaded that He is able

To keep that which I’ve committed

Unto Him against that day.”

I know not what of good or ill

May be reserved for me,

Of weary ways or golden days,
Before His face I see.
~Daniel W. Whittle

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8 KJV


Anonymous said...

I read your blog and am inspired with your faith and devotion. I'm excited about seeing you and your family in a few weeks.
I especially liked your story about Grandma Fern. Other than my own obversations, I don't know much about the challanges my parents faced in their younger lives. I know about some of the trials in their adult lives and only wish they could have had the faith and strength to face them and to help us through life as your Grandma Fern did for you. You are helping me becoume a better parent and grandma. It's never to late to learn but if only we knew knew then what we know now it could have been so much easier.

Heather of Swallowing A Moose said...

Good Morning!

First, I wanted to say that I too have had an attack on my body... in the thyroid. Hyper to be specific. So I can sympathize with you in how dramatically one's life can change when thyroid function is not as it should be. I call the medication my "cruella de ville supression" pills. :)

Secondly, I want to say this isn't the first time satan has tried to manifest his lies in my health. Last time I was in a coma attached to life support. Today, because of Him alone I live in a body riddled by foreign objects with names of sickness being spoken in my direction but with the protection of the Lord surrounding every cell.

My point: OUR GOD HEALS... and HE IS NO RESPECTOR OF PERSONS... if He was death would have been my fait.

I am sorry lucifer is hurling knives at you. But let's don't recieve those In Jesus Name through what He did in His body on Calvary! Remind him he has no charge over you because your body is a vessel of the Lord to be used for His purposes and magnification! I'm speaking that to you... for you!

When I woke up out of the coma- which was never expected to happen- I didn't know much about the Lord authentically. I grew up in the church but I was so ignorant. The words never penetrated my heart. But even then the Holy Spirit was working in me and did not allow me to let my mind be conviced of anything other than we were going to see victory in this battle because the Lord was fighting it. Later did I come to know the fullness of the cross and the work finished there.

Keep that chin up girl! Keep those eyes pointed to Christ! Until you heal me show me how to glorify your Son in this that He may be lifted high and others drawn to a personal relationship with Him!

I'm going to pray for you right now that the sickness be held back and that the healing will spring forth!

:) XO Sweet Sister!


EM said...

i sense your determination to suffer well, trusting God. I marvel at the grace God gives. You are a shining beacon of it in such a difficult life!

twinkle said...

Hello,little blade of wheat, full of promise, and ripening in the Light of God's Son. I am visiting through Holy Experience Gratitude Gifts.
I read just this post here and had to leave a hug for you. And a moment to just sit and hold your hand and let you know that I understand.
I am a part of bloggers following a blog called A String of Pearls. We are reading Dr. Larry Crabb's book, 66 Love Letters, and following it by reading The Message Bible from Genesis to Revelation for this year.
If you want to visit, I have this site saved as one of my favorites on my blog. We post our thoughts and we focus on the precious gift of suffering. Our leader is a beautiful woman of faith suffering through breast cancer. I myself am separated (he left me) since last July from my husband. I am choosing to stay faithful to my vow and waiting to see how God moves in our marriage. Right now, he is at his dad's and won't talk. A very painful time for me.
We trust in the goodness of God, but accept life as not our reward but our schooling.
Grateful you are finding your call as His beautiful daughter, pouring out a drink offering to Him.

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