Infinitely beyond

That you may really come to know practically, through experience for yourselves the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge without experience; that you may be filled [through all your being unto all the fullness of God may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself!

Now to Him Who, by the action of His power that is at work within us, is able to carry out His purpose and do superabundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams--To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. ~ Ephesians 3:19-21 (Amplified)

Today is an Amplified version sort of day. Without the blackness of the past 17 days, the pure white joy of the past 24 hours would be so much less. God is so wise and gentle in His love for me. I am blissfully finishing feeding my children their 5th meal/snack of the day! Right now they are feasting on plain whole wheat bread (untoasted, with the crusts torn off) with honey, a favorite of theirs. My skinny little Rosy is on her 5th piece! Because the emotions of these past 24 hours completely surpass my powers of description, two more short video clips...


Ben Holmen said...

Gen, I am so excited to see you with your family tomorrow! I can hardly wait.


Aubrey Noble said...

I don't know you, but I want you to know that your blog is beautiful and inspiring and a joy to read! Thank you!

ItsLisaBailey said...

WELCOME HOME!!! I am so happy for you & your family.
God be with you!

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