Swinging was a new and potentially frightening experience for my five-month-old, Caleb. Yet look at that smile! Face to face with the comforting presence of his mama, there was nothing to fear! I think this is a powerful visual reminder of how our Father would have us trust him...no matter how uncertain or unstable the territory in which He places us feels, He is ever present to comfort us and keep us safe. I might not think I am safe right now - just like the baby in the swing, the stable ground I am familiar with seems far away right now, and I am placed in a moving, shifting seat that offers me none of the certainty I am used to. Yet my Father sees the whole picture - He sees that the "swing" of my situation is undergirded by the everlasting chains of His eternal sacrifice and that I will not fall! I need to trust Him like the Father He is...one who has plans to "prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)
Though the enemy comes in,
I will not be shaken
Though I may have fallen,
I will not stay down
You are my Sanctuary
I love Your sweet embrace
You are my Sanctuary
Hide me in the secret place
When I long for more of You
You're my revelation
Lord the softest whisper
brings the strength I need
~ unknown, Sanctuary
1 comment:
Hi Genevieve: You posted a note on my blog - thanks! I had been thinking about commenting on several of your posts but you beat me to it! I am honored actually that you enjoy it - because I have been reading yours and REALLY admire your writing, thoughts, and wisdom. At times I have thought in contrast to yours mine is so "trivial". Our lives are so different, yet the same. While I am not fighting cancer - I do share the day to day child-rearing/homeschooling struggles. I have thought of you actually a few times when I felt exasperated - praying the Lord would give you what you need daily. Of course I have "known" you since Amy and I have been friends - but through blogging it is cool to be able to share lives - and actually get to know you- I feel the same as you - it is a pleasure to "meet" you and feel like I know you! You asked about the blog - it is I think www.especiallyheather.com
Cheers and blessings for a good day for you,
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