2 years in a blink of an eye

Oh, how they delight to serve and celebrate those they love! How easy it is to train them in big life lessons by simply taking them by the hand and leading them along with me in my work. When my day has been busy and long, it is so easy to push them out into the margins, banish them to the most distant playroom, and hustle about my work. But how large the dividend when I beg strength from the Father who so generously bestows, and spend an hour cleaning, baking and decorating with these dear ones.

The older takes the younger alongside and teaches her, the younger sister so intent on every move the elder makes. Raymond and Dorothy Moore (books passed down from my wise mother) taught me it is much easier to teach something once than four times over. And that the best gift you can give your learner is to make her a teacher herself.

He sits like a king in his castle, watching his sisters bake his birthday cake. Sweet boy - just a blink of an eye, and two years gone! I walk the tightrope of time with you, as you lead on into the horizon that is your young life. Take me by the hand, son, and remind me how precious these years are!

Delighted babyhood on the cusp of childhood. The chubby fists just learning dexterity, the cheeks still reminiscent of those that nursed for seven short months. This boy-child will stand like a sentinel in the sands of time, marking off the years God has allowed me to survive cancer.

Discipline your son, and he will give you rest;
he will give delight to your heart.
(Proverbs 29:17)

The finale, which he was almost too exhausted to enjoy. Crazy cake crafted by three sisters and an adoring cousin-twin. Homemade whipped cream from sweet farm milk. Candles, cake, and lots of Thomas the Tank Engine.

Happy second birthday, Mr. C!

Grandma Fern's Crazy Cake
3 cups flour
2 cups sugar
1/3 cup cocoa
2 teaspoons soda
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup oil
2 Tablespoons vinegar
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups water

Mix dry ingredients directly in a 9x13" pan. Make two wells in dry ingredients, and pour in wet ingredients one at a time. Mix until well combined, using a fork. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Go by time - don't test! Goes exceptionally well with a chocolate & coffee buttercream frosting, or served with farm fresh whipped cream with just a hint of vanilla.

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