Amelia in the hospital again

Quite unexpectedly, we are back in the hospital with Amelia again today. She has had a bad couple of days, as I've written here. She is having what may be some partial, or focal, seizures. She is also having an increase of symptoms that indicate a climbing pressure surrounding her brain. She was admitted primarily for testing, and to evaluate how stable her neurologic status is in a safer setting. Today she had a short EEG (electroencephalogram) to get a baseline of her brain wave patterns under certain conditions. She did not have any seizure activity during the test, although she wasn't really expected to. The test was to rule out the possibility of more severe seizures. Tomorrow, her neurologist is trying to shoehorn her into an operating room time slot for more tests. If they find a time to do it, she will go under general anesthesia to have a MRI to look at her brain structures, a spinal tap to look for other diseases, infection or high pressure, and a bronchoscopy, which will involve putting a camera down her throat into her lungs to view her entire throat and large airway structures. Her ear/nose/throat surgeon back in Eau Claire found nodules on her vocal cords both in September, prior to the tonsil surgery, and again in December, during follow-up after surgery and the encephalitis.

Basically, it is just some more ups and downs. So far nothing big. Please pray her 3-4 hour stint under general anesthesia tomorrow goes complication free. Also for emotional and spiritual strength for Aaron and I as we face more separation and stress trusting doctors with our dear daughter.

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