Through the eldest's eyes

My eldest is a deep pool. I only get glimpses below the surface, and it takes a hefty infusion of quality time to get those rare glimpses. She is most definitely not the heart on her sleeve type. When something does initiate an emotional response, I know to pay attention, because emotional response is not her normal reaction.

I enjoyed some time spent with her this morning, looking at and editing a few of her photos from her "kid camera". The little glimpse into what makes this beloved tick was a revelation, and a joy.

Papa reading morning devotions [watercolor study].

Mama's hands preparing hot chocolate and brownies on a cold winter morning.

Family movie night vignette.

Favorite kitten.

Scrollwork on Mama's piano.

Line drawing of a sunrise.

Flashlight games.

Sister's smile and rosy cheeks one frosty evening outdoors!

Cousin in playroom.

Team spirit.


Daria said...

Those are sweet pictures ...

Anonymous said...

Somehow I missed this entry. It is a feast for the eyes, so maybe I should say 'entree'! Will you tell Katy hello from Gramma and tell her if she misses me like I miss her, to give me a call or send an email! Love, GrammaDebra

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