In the hospital again

I went back to the ER via ambulance this morning after fainting several times at home with my mom and my kids. The good news is, I was wearing the heart monitor the whole time, and they noted no life-threatening heart rhythm problems during the episode. I did have an episode of fast heart rate (tachycardia) and some slow heart rates (bradycardia). So far that is all we know about the monitor. My blood sugar and magnesium levels were also a bit low, but not low enough to explain the severity of my symptoms. I spent 8 hours in the ER, and left with very little information about what is going wrong with my body at present. I have been transferred to a new cardiologist who has more expertise with electrophysiology studies (which will likely be the next diagnostic step unless other changes clear up my problem). I am also scheduled to see my endocrinologist in the next week or two to discuss the role my thyroid is playing in this whole mess. I still suspect that Synthroid, my thyroid replacement hormone, is the root of the problem. I will be contacting my regular doctor tomorrow to request a few more blood tests and to try splitting my dose, taking half in the morning and half in the evening.

After leaving the ER this afternoon with no "real" answers, I was feeling very down in the dumps about this trial. Being told to basically just go home and keep fainting every day for two weeks until you can see the cardiologist sounds ridiculous! However, after some sweet fellowship with old friends tonight, I have a better grip on the joys of my life, and the sorrows are fading more to the background again. I am planning on skipping my Synthroid in the morning and taking it in the evening instead, so that Aaron will at least be home while I am doing my fainting if that is what comes to pass after I take my daily dose.

Some specific prayer requests that I would humbly ask you to bring before the Throne:
  1. This trial would soon be over, and would include no more crisis events (such as the Mama of the house being hauled off on a stretcher to an ambulance while all the children watch!)
  2. Protection for my heart, and wisdom about my Synthroid, which is preventing my cancer from growing back
  3. A doctor who will look hard at all the puzzle pieces and identify a cause and a solution
That your beloved ones may be delivered, give salvation by your right hand and answer us! With God we shall do valiantly. ~ Psalm 60:5 & 12a


Anonymous said...

Well, sweety, I like spending time with you BUT this isn't my first choice! I second all your prayer requests. Love, Mama

Anonymous said...

My dear niece. Thank God we have Him to go to in times like these. I don't know what people do when they do not have the Lord. An abyss is the only thing to contemplate without Him. I have sent your prayer request on to many including my prayer group. You know, the Lord binds us all together in prayer for one another. Your trials affect the saints just as Paul's did. Your trials become a jewel in our crown as well. Amazing concept and what a blessing the Lord provides us. Love ~ Auntie Shera

Unknown said...

My prayer and verse for you this morning:

"May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy." Col 1:11

You are loved!


Anonymous said...

Tho' the angry surges roll
On my tempest driven soul,
I am peaceful, for I know,
Wildly though the winds may blow,
I've an anchor safe and sure,
That can evermore endure.

Mighty tides about me sweep,
Perils lurk within the deep,
Angry clouds o'ershade the sky,
And the tempest rises high;
Still I stand the tempest's shock,
For my anchor grips the Rock.

I can feel the anchor fast
As I meet each sudden blast,
And the cable, though unseen,
Bears the heavy strain between;
Thro' the storm I safely ride,
Till the turning of the tide.

Troubles almost 'whelm the soul;
Griefs like billows o'er me roll;
Tempters seek to lure astray;
Storms obscure the light of day;
But in Christ I can be bold,
I've an anchor that shall hold.

And it holds my anchor holds;
Blow your wildest then, O gale,
On my bark so small and frail:
By His grace I shall not fail,
For my anchor holds, my anchor holds.

Words of encouragement from the hymn: My Anchor Holds
W.C. Martin and Daniel B. Towner

Anonymous said...

How much Synthroid are you on? Are you "suppressed" and to what degree? Do you always take your Synthroid with a morning coffee? I ask because I read one of two things could happen...1. The heat of the coffee could reduce the effectiveness of your dose, somewhat like storing it in the heat. 2. The combo of caffeine and Synthroid could lead to palpitations and heart irregularities in sensitive individuals. Just like Synthroid and cough meds with caffeine should be avoided. Just a thought...I hope and pray that this gets worked out soon for you and your family...

Anonymous said...

Even from Colorado, you are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Your prayer requests are noted and will be used in our devotional times. Thank you for your wonderful blog so we can stay in touch with you and your family. Know that you are loved, not just by God, but by your extended family, too.


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