But I still wasn't ready. I wasn't ready when I sensed the tension in the room. I knew before I looked up at the screen that I would see a round black hole where hope and resolution should have been found. Instead, in the crackle and pop of electronic noise, I heard the slow sobbing of a requiem for a dream. As I wordlessly walked out to the waiting room, fears swelled up where tears should have. Cancer: of the thyroid this time, or the parotid gland? What did it mean when a radiologist came in, suit coat flapping as he hurried to the equipment, and scanned my neck himself? What does "wait and see" really mean to a cancer patient? I suspended disbelief. I suspended belief. I hung, suspended, for two days. Suspended in reality, suspended in nightmare, suspended in prayer, suspended in the solace that was sleep.
The next appointment. A cardiologist. He informs me my heart failure is worsening, that my pulse is continuing to slow. That a pacemaker is indicated. Sends me to see a "heart failure" doctor. More fear, more tears locked in dry eyes, more words closed in a stinging throat. More suspension. I waited for Wednesday...five days. Eternity? Waited for suspension to drop me with a thud back into the dirt floor of cancer's reality.
Preparing for my appointment yesterday, that deep soul work that nothing can hasten, I sat at the keys and got used to playing with my feet. Pure joy. I felt God shouting this time (usually He whispers - or am I just deaf??): See, child, I know every detail of your heart. I know why it beats slow sometimes and fast others. I know why you faint. I know every hair on your head. I know your going out and coming in, your lying down and standing up. I know the hour and day of your death, and I am waiting here to welcome you home. Cancer, schmancer. This is God speaking, the God who throws two free organs at you in two days! This is the God that created sun, stars, heavens and earth. Babies, blessings, husbands, farmhouses, gourmet food, summer songs of crickets and frogs, winter refrain of birds and snowflakes. How could you doubt me? Trust me, because I am always here. Listening. Loving. Lavishing.
So in I walked to two appointments today. The first was very hard: no answers are clear, and when that happens...well, doctors start to think maybe the reason for your problems isn't physical. It isn't, I want to shout! It is spiritual. God allowed me to feel this, to be created this way. He hedges me in, and He goes before me. Who are you to say it is impossible for me to faint as much as I do? Who are you to question what is so abundantly clear in your data? Question he does anyway, this doctor. Infuses the whole care team with questions without answers. Next appointment: the lump in my neck is okay, for now. Stable, hasn't grown since last September. The question remains, why is it there? Why didn't the iodine kill it? It is a nodule, and it looks like cancer, but it doesn't suck up iodine and it doesn't show on whole body scans. So there are lots of questions about how best to monitor it, or if it should be biopsied or removed. I'll learn more on Friday when I visit my oncologist here in Eau Claire.
The neurologist is close to concluding, to handing me a diagnosis. In her opinion, I may have orthostatic intolerance, a condition on the dysautonomic spectrum of illness. Hard to treat. But at least a diagnosis. I might be best off cloistered in my farmhouse, taking some herbs now and then, continuing with my country doctors here in Eau Claire. Tonight I go to sleep, monitors humming away for the next 24 hours. Still beseeching God, this time for an answer instead of a Hammond organ (or two!).
And remembering that sweet, sweet sound of bluesy perfection joining the crickets and frogs in an Indian summer lament/praise for a God who is holy, tender, and extravagant and a world that is harsh and si bon mais si lassant.
Slowly getting to know you through your blog. I feel I have much to learn from you and I look forward to more reading. I have been praying for you since last week when I first found your blog and realized you would be doing your testing, consults, etc. Your Mom emailed me or left a comment on my blog confirming the dates. Just wanted you to know you have been and will be in my prayers. You are gifted in your writing and your heart for Christ speaks clearly!
Gen, I love you. God is in control of all. He is in control of your body, and He is good. This is all for His glory, and your body is being completely used. Sara Jean.
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