Spring portraits

The children's annual portraits by my mother's rhododendron have become our tradition. I always try to take some "straight up" portraits, and some personality shots as well. The ones with personality invariably are the ones that end up on top of my piano! The rhododendron waits for no man, so cancer or not, away we went to Grandma's today for portraits.

First, the better photos technically speaking...

(Susan didn't see any reason all her cousins should get glamorous photos taken, and she shouldn't. Which, of course, is accurate...she is a glamorous little girl, that one!)

Finally, the personality shots...expect to see these under glass in my house next time you visit!

As I went through and edited these, I was, of course, thinking deep thoughts. About how we present ourselves to the world, and how we really are in inside. I think heaven is going to be a really interesting, quirky place with a lot of personality. I kind of picture it like a group of people after a glass or two of wine...just letting that God-given personality and passion shine through. Doesn't that sound inviting?? ...then shall I know even as also I am known. (I Corinthians 13:12)


Angela said...

Loved these! And loved what you said about heaven too.

Anonymous said...

The pictures are so cute! I love the Amelia's personality! She is so funny! :)

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