Carrying on the family name

Robert Charles was born 19 minutes after his parents walked through the front doors of the hospital.

He has Daniel's nose, and the rest seems to be Seiler or Garver (Melissa's side).
He is the first baby to carry on the Holmen name - the first Holmen boy of our generation.

Melissa's heartache is the joy kind.  What excitement - birthing so quickly!

My heart - literally aching physically from the pacemaker inserted just 24 hours before - aches with joy and pain as I see this little one who will always be my link to the baby I won't meet until I get to heaven.

A big last!  Susan has been wishing for a playmate for a long time now!

As our family grows, there are just more and more in the circle to welcome each new little face.

Cousins, cousins, and more cousins!

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