Home. Bed. Heaven.

I skipped everything I *thought* I wanted to do on the way home from the hospital yesterday...even walking in to Walgreens for a few essentials.  Coming out of the hospital after the pacemaker was a different experience - felt great.  Yesterday I felt more tired and more on the verge of nothingness than I have since my college days.  Which is interesting.  Back then, I thought it was my heart making me so tired, but now I wonder if it is the many, many times I hit my head when I fainted.  As soon as I got home yesterday, I went to bed and I really haven't gotten up yet, except for brief intervals to use the bathroom and have a drink.  I forced myself to eat something this morning, as I have no appetite yet.  I haven't had to take any pain relievers as my pain is totally relieved by sleep (of course, I wake up to the crushing headache).  It is a relief to be free from the nausea and confusion that the narcotics were causing.  My dear mother and friends are surrounding me to care for my children.  How I dearly pray that I never have to ask them for this type of help again!

I have a Grade III concussion (American Academy of Neurology), because of prolonged and repeated loss of consciousness, seizure, memory lapse, and neurologic deficits following the injury.  I have an area of "multiple petechial hemorrhage" - bruises from broken blood vessels in the gray matter of my brain - near my ocular orbit (the hollowed out space for your eyeball) and in my temporal lobe.  Right where Amy has her brain injury.  I guess I am not feeling poetic, only somber, and I am very, very tired. It took me several hours to write this and I just want to conclude with a list of prayer requests:

  1. Doctor's permission to travel to South Carolina on Friday.  The ocean sounds so healing.
  2. Protection for my brain as it heals - no permanent damage and no seizure, migraine, learning or emotional disorder later on in the healing process.
  3. Rest for me and lots of connection time with my lonely kids.
  4. Energy to write a presentation to be given on Wednesday of next week in South Carolina.
  5. Wisdom about how much to be involved at school next week, if I am allowed to go.

*** Also, did you know overripe bananas have another use? Check out the fabulous banana & lime jam that is supposedly hot right now in Australia and Jamaica. It is better with 3 parts white sugar to one part brown, in my opinion.  Hilariously, because I was so tired, I looked for a post that I had already written and just needed to edit.  This was the only thing I hadn't published.  :-)

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